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Journalism and freedom of expression trials: Week of July 3

Journalism and freedom of expression trials: Week of July 3

This week, the hearings of numerous freedom of expression trials will be held. Below is this week’s hearing schedule:

July 4, Tuesday

The 14th hearing of the trial in which journalists Osman Akın, Veysi Sarısözen and another journalist face the charge of “making propaganda for a terrorist organization” will be held at the Istanbul 13th High Criminal Court at 09.10 .

The fourth hearing of the trial in which 10 people, including journalist Zeynep Kuray, face charges of “defying the Law No. 2911 on Meetings and Demonstrations”, will be held at the Istanbul 39th Criminal Court of First Instance at 11.15.

  The third hearing of the trial in which poet Ahmet Telli faces the charge of “making propaganda for a terrorist organization” will be held at the Ankara 26th High Criminal Court at 11.45

July 5, Wednesday

The first hearing of the trial in which journalist Hayri Demir is retried on the charge of “making propaganda for a terrorist organization” will be held at the Ankara 15th High Criminal Court at 10.15.

The second hearing of the trial in which Mesopotamia News Agency’s Chief Editor Diren Yurtsever, Mesopotamia News Agency’s Ankara Bureau Chief Deniz Nazlım, Mesopotamia News Agency reporters Berivan Altan, Zemo Ağgöz, Selman Güzelyüz, Hakan Yalçın, Emrullah Acar, Ceylan Şahinli, JinNews reporters Habibe Eren, Öznur Değer and former Mesopotamia News Agency intern Mehmet Günhan face “membership in a terrorist organization” charges will be held at the Ankara 4th High Criminal Court at 9.30.

July 6, Thursday

The seventh hearing of the trial in which 15 people, including then-KESK Spokesperson Bedri Yamaç and the Peoples’ Democratic Party’s Van Provincial Co-Chair Ümit Dede who were taken into police custody during the October 10th Massacre Commemoration called by the Confederation of Public Employees’ Trade Unions (KESK) in 2018 face “prevention of public duty” charge will be held in the Van 7th Criminal Court of First Instance at 11.00.

July 7, Friday

● The 18th hearing of the trial in which journalist Rüstem Batum, whom MLSA represents in court, faces the charge of “publicly denigrating the state’s military and law enforcement personnel” pursuant to Turkish Penal Code’s notorious Article 301 will be held in the İstanbul 43rd Criminal Court of First Instance at 9.50.

The fourth hearing of the case in which journalist Baransel Ağca faces the charge of “ilegally obtaining or disseminating personal data” will be held at at the Elazığ 8th Criminal Court of First Instance at 09.05.

The third hearing of the trial in which journalist Yağmur Kaya, whom MLSA represents in court, and 51 Boğaziçi University students face the charge of “defying the Law No. 2911 on Meetings and Demonstrations” will be held at the Istanbul 17th Criminal Court of First Instance at 10.00.

The ninth hearing of the trial in which journalists Hazal Ocak, Olcay Büyüktaş , İpek Özbey and Vedat Arık face charges of “publishing the identities of state officials on anti-terror duty and/or identifying them as targets” and “violation of the privacy of private life” will be held at the Istanbul 26th High Criminal Court at 10.30.

● The tenth hearing of the trial in which 46 people, including members of the Saturday Mothers/People, human rights defenders and journalist Koray Kesik, who were detained when the police attacked Saturday Mothers/People’s 700th Week gathering, face the charge of “defying the law No. 2911 on Meetings and Demonstrations” will be held at the Istanbul 21st Criminal Court of First Instance at 14.00.


Medya ve Hukuk Çalışmaları Derneği (MLSA) haber alma hakkı, ifade özgürlüğü ve basın özgürlüğü alanlarında faaliyet yürüten bir sivil toplum kuruluşudur. Derneğimiz başta gazeteciler olmak üzere mesleki faaliyetleri sebebiyle yargılanan kişilere hukuki destek vermektedir.