
Journalist Ceren Karlıdağ’s trial is adjourned until March

Journalist Ceren Karlıdağ’s trial is adjourned until March
İzmir - Sixth hearing of the trial where 12 defendants, including freelance journalist Ceren Karlıdağ, face “defying the Law on Assemblies and Demonstrations no. 2911,” “prevention of public duty” and “resisting the police” charges was held at İzmir 32nd Criminal Court of First Instance today.  Karlıdağ was taken into police custody on 26 September 2014 while she was reporting on the student protest which took place on Ege University’s campus alongside the students who were protesting. While Karadağ did not attend the hearing, her lawyer Şerife Çelik was present in the courtroom. “I deny these accusations. I was a journalism student at Ege University at the time and I was taking photos of the protest. I did not resist the police when they intervened, I only tried to explain that I was a journalist practising my profession,” Karlıdağ had stated during the previous hearing which took place on April 30. Lawyer Çelik noted that they have nothing to add at this stage. The court decided to wait for all defendant statements to be heard and adjourned the trial until March 10, 2020.

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