
Kazım Kızıl’s final hearing will be held on 19 June

Kazım Kızıl’s final hearing will be held on 19 June

İzmir - Tenth hearing of the trial where 24 people including documentary filmmaker and video activist Kazım Kızıl, who was taken into custody in İzmir during a protest against the 16 April 2017 referendum and remained in prison for 3 months before being released during the first hearing, was held at İzmir 33rd Criminal Court of the First Instance today.

After having examined the expert report in the trial where 24 defendants are charged with “insulting the president” and “violating the Law no. 2911 on Meetings and Demonstrations,” the defense counsel argued that the footage does not show the imputed crimes taking place, that the visual evidence in the file are insufficient in proving that the alleged offenses were indeed committed, and demanded the acquittal of Baran Ateş, Kazım Kızıl, and Özgür Mert.  

The trial is adjourned until 19 June, 10:00 AM. A verdict is expected from the next hearing.


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