
Former TRT editor given nine years on charges of membership of a terrorist organization

Former TRT editor given nine years on charges of membership of a terrorist organization

Ali Ahmet Böken, a former coordinator for the state-run news network TRT Haber was sentenced to nine years and nine months in prison on charges of membership in a terrorist organization, Doğan News Agency reported. 

"I haven't done anything other than journalism," Böken said in his final statement heard on 3 April by the Ankara 18th High Criminal Court. The imprisoned journalist also said he never used ByLock, a mobile chat application which Turkish authorities claim was used by members of the Fethullah Gülen network, which Turkey accuses of having masterminded a failed coup attempt that occurred in July 2016.

Böken was handed down a prison sentence of nine years and nine months on charges of membership of a terrorist organization.


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